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Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation
There are three significant government agencies that aerially spread 1080 poison bait across land and water in New Zealand - The Department of Conservation, TB Free & OSPRI, and regional councils.
Up until 2017, regional councils issued resource consent certificates to government agencies and contractors that permitted 1080 poison bait to be spread across land and directly into water. However, in 2017, the New Zealand Government changed legislation, and that legislation now permits poison bait to be aerially spread across land and directly into water, without the requirement for a resource consent certificate - effectively excluding the aerial distribution of poison bait, from the protection of the Resource Management Act.
The New Zealand Government owns Orillion, the 1080 poison factory that imports and manufactures 1080 poison, and brodifacoum cereal baits. The factory's mission statement makes it clear that the company exists for profit. Through its new rules the New Zealand Government has effectively excluded the spreading of Compound 1080 - a WHO class A1 eco-toxin - from environmental protection legislation, to increase its company profits.
To achieve greater profits, if a government changes legislation for an activity equivalent to an act of terrorism (dropping an eco-toxin with no antidote directly into water supplies and forests which are sources of wild foods) - does that relaxed law make that activity no longer equal to an act of terrorism?
Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf, co-founders of Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation, believe that the New Zealand Government, and its poisoning agencies are indeed committing an act of terror by aerially spreading 1080 poison bait across New Zealand forests and waterways.
So the team are calling for all New Zealanders to join their peaceful hikoi. The pair will walk from each end of the country, starting with Alan at Bluff in the south, and Emille at Cape Reinga in the north, converging in Wellington. Alan will begin his march on the 15th of June, and Emille will begin his march on the 14th of June, 2018. The pair, with their supporters, will converge at Parliament, in Wellington, where the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has agreed to meet them. The men believe thousands of people will join the march by the time they reach Parliament.
Videos and information about the hikoi will be loaded to this page. The official Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation Facebook Page can be visited by clicking this link.
Please explore this website for extensive information about New Zealand's use of Compound 1080 poison, also known as Sodium fluoroacetate ...
Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation - Mission Statement
To read the Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation's Mission Statement, click on this link
To read Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation's Message to Police, click on this link
To read Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation's public Notification Letter, click on the link
The planned route of the Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation, is below ...

Government agencies can now drop 1080 poison
bait directly into community water supplies without
a resource consent. Please request alternative
water when you are confronted with your next aerial
poisoning operation ...
The Department of Conservation has been aerially spreading the deadly pesticide - Compound 1080 - directly across New Zealand's forests and directly into water supplies, for many years.
In the video clip below, Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation leaders - Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf - serve their Cease & Desist Notice to a West Coast Department of Conservation office ...
Vector Control Services is a contract firm that has been aerially spreading the deadly pesticide - Compound 1080 - directly across New Zealand's forests and directly into water supplies, for many years.
In the video clip below, Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation leaders - Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf - serve their Cease & Desist Notice to Vector Control Services ...
West Coast Regional Council has been aerially spreading the deadly pesticide - Compound 1080 - directly across West Coast forests and directly into its rate-payers water supplies, for many years.
In the video clip below, Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation leaders - Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf - serve their Cease & Desist Notice at the West Coast Regional Council ...
In the video clip below, Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation leaders - Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf - explain their Cease & Desist Notice and the reasons behind the warning notification ...
In the video clip below, Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation leaders - Alan Gurden and Emille Leaf - meet with New Zealand Police to explain their Cease & Desist Notice ...
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